You’ve to ask Five Question to yourself Before Using Google Adsense.This blog post just might open your eyes to what you might be doing to your blog and audience for just a few dollars. There was a previous post on this blog titled “12 Things to Do Before Applying for Google Adsense“, which walks you through the process of what you need to make sure you blog looks like and has before applying to Google Adsense. We are going to take that same approach, but with a few different questions to ask yourself if you really want to sacrifice your blog and traffic to the almighty Google Adsense!
How much is your site traffic worth?
Before using any advertising solution, you need to know what your traffic is and how much they are worth. Entertainment sites and blogs have a low value per user, as they are pretty much there just to view pictures and get news. Product reviews and coupon sites have a high value per user, as they are already in buyer mode. Knowing your average visitor value is a very important thing to know!Read : How To Get Traffic To A Blog ?
Are you playing by Google’s rules at all times?
Lately Google has been on a tear and throwing many sites out of their Google Adsense program. No matter their reason Google may banner your account, once you are tossed, you are gone for good and they will also keep all of the money remaining in your account as well. Do you really want to work with an ad network that can keep all your profits from this and the previous month? As a Google Adsense partner, you always need to play by their rules at all times.Can you make more money going directly?
Have you even thought about selling your own banner ad space? There is a good chance you can find a quality advertiser in your niche that will pay a much higher CPM premium over what Google Adsense will pay you. If you are running 125×125 banner ads on your site you can probably fill four to ten of these banner spots and make several times more than what Google Adsense could ever earn you.
Are you killing your profits by using Google Adsense?
Lastly… do you like giving away your traffic for a few pennies per visitor?
When did you last click on a Google Adsense banner?I’m not sure if you remember.
But whenever someone clicks on any Google Adsense banner, they leave the site they are currently on and get swooshed off to another site. Most of the time Google Adsense is only paying a few pennies per click. Are you losing your traffic for just a few pennies? If you are, it’s not a good business model at all!
Don’t get me wrong…
Google Adsense has made BILLIONS of dollars for Google and their publishers… but there is a reason why it’s so ridiculously easy and simple to setup. Google is making a ton of money by lazy site owners just placing a code on their site and not knowing better. There is nothing wrong with using Google Adsense, but there are much better and more profitable ways to make money!
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